With the thermos packed and chocolate in the bag we set off......
As we drove to the market clouds in the distant were looking ominous - however with naive excitement we were looking forward to our first day out with our goodies. Unable to read the market map of where our stall was properly on my iPod(grrrrr technology sometimes - don't get me wrong I adore my iPod - but it like a sewing machine knows when your in a hurry!) we asked a fellow stallholder for directions. Mez sped to the location........
We set up on time and were looking pretty good as a few people browsed passed. Little did we know that those browsing in the early hours would be a sign of how few were to attend the market on the day. We had bought some sewing to do and sat back with cups of coffee (from the trusty flask) and began to relax and just enjoy the day......
A few people looked, kids thought the Podpals were cool and then it happened.....our first sale - Mez sold some of her dilly bags - all was not lost!!
Fellow stallholders were saying"Don't judge sales or interest in our products by today - its the worst day of the year for market - no one has extra dollars to spend after the back to school costs and this was the odd weekend of the year". WISH SOME HAD TOLD US THAT BEFORE!!! We calmed after the initial shock ans sat back to enjoy a relaxing day out. We took turns browsing the market. The rain had stayed away and in fact it grew quite hot towards the end of the market (good thing we had that tent!). The day really was quite lovely.
Just when I thought I would go home with every Podpal I had bought with me - a dear friend arrived and without prompting she purchased a pretty purple Podpal for her daughter.
Although we didn't make our millions(well lets face it - barely enough for lunch) and at times we felt a little despondent - We had made it to Market!