Day Trippin with the family. Yes we took a Sunday (with no football) and left at 10:00am for a Sunday drive. If I was the gorgeous 50's wife I would have got up early baked and packed the picnic! My morning was more like - up at 9:30am in the shower and pick up takeaway coffee from the local cafe - Mama Linas - still just as delightful. In the new car, turned on the heated seat(yes, this is still a novelty.) we headed up the Calder freeway to Bendigo. High tech boys in the back with hot chocolate (yes, from Mama Linas) and iPods. We drove into town with gasps from the back seat from the boys as to how big that church really is! I did not remember how big the whole town was let alone that glorious church. We drove around it, packed with cars - mass must have been on and found ourselves parked near the botanical gardens. Great car park - the old prayer 'Hail Mary full of grace, help us find a parking space' paid off - must have been that huge Church again!
Not sure what we were going to do really, we walked along the main street and ducked into the visitors centre. Deciding to check out the local market we began to wander past all the incredible architecture (all the time wishing I hadn't left my camera at home). To my surprise we passed a store called 'Bob Boutique' and its design was familiar to me but no recollection at the time. As we headed to the market - which was a car club - Big Yawn!! I suggested I return to 'Bobs' and they can look at the cars. Yes - Win Win!!!! As soon as I strolled through the door - flashback - I had seen the ad in Frankie magazine. This store is now in my top 5 - My head is still spinning from all of the quirky and funky stock - oh to have hundreds of dollars. All the little retro goodies, slightly odd stuffed toys, artwork and my favourite the Blythe doll postcard. A photo of some of the little goodies I bought today are hear for you to see. I met my boys just as I had completed my purchase and headed to a cafe called Bar Zurk for lunch, I would highly recommend it - order the pie! We did the tourist thing for another couple of hours then headed home. I had an "amazing adventure in the land of Bob"