I wanted to share with everyone the quilt that was made for me for a special birthday by a very special friend. My girlfriend has created a work of art that is sentimental and stunning. Each Dresden Plate has words and pictures provided by family and friends (this is a feet in itself!!!). The Kaffe Fassett fabrics(of which she knows I love - its just something in the details and freshness of design) are simply superb. She is the woman who taught me to quilt all those years ago(a blue and white sampler quilt that now lives on my sons bed), at which time I can remember throwing the Dresden Plate block at her to finish because I couldn't get it to sit right! Ironic really that the quilt she has made for me reflects that block is the same pattern ( I assure you this is not intentional.) If I haven't said it enough - Gorgeous, Thank you for one of my most treasured possessions and thank you to all who contributed.
Response from the 'special friend'- I had such fun making this quilt and getting to know all you family and friends better and knowing that we all knew something that you didn't! I had great chats with your mum whilst making the quilt, and the fact that we had to keep these conversations a secret added to the enjoyment.